
Igor Burganov
Igor Burganov conducts extensive scientific work, publishes articles in professional journals.
He is the author of books and training manuals on art.

1999 - Winner of Moscow's architecture for the realization of its vision of a residential area, "Blue Bird".
2001 - Candidate of Science Degree of Arts, with a thesis on "Small museum in the late 20th century"
2003 - Honored Artist of Russia
2007 - Member of the - of the Russian Academy of Arts
2008 - Professor at S.G. Stroganoff Moscow State University of Art
2010 - Professor of the International Academy of Architecture
2012 - Honored artist - jeweler.

I.A. Burganov directed and participated directly in the group of authors to create:
- A monument of "A.S. Pushkin "in Washington, DC (USA);
- The composition "Pushkin and Natalie" in Old Arbat Street in Moscow;
- Monument "Russian citizens of Russia" in the Quant-Liege (Belgium);
- Sculpture "Bird of Happiness" in front of the Moscow Choral Synagogue;
- A monument to "F. Gniessin "inPovarskayaStreet in Moscow.

Great design work is done by Igor Burganov of decorating the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

Participant and organizer of major international exhibitions in Switzerland ("The UN in Geneva" - 2004),
Belgium 2004 ("House Burganov in Brussels" - 2004), France ("Tradition" Paris - 2007) And Russia.

